Fixing Us Part 1 2/8/15
If we want to build lasting families and relationships we will have to DIG DEEP and build our relationships on a foundation that is not shaken.
If we want to build lasting families and relationships we will have to DIG DEEP and build our relationships on a foundation that is not shaken.
Fixing Us Part 2 2/15/15
What to look for in Mr. or Mrs. Right? If we seek God as our FIRST love, He will lead us to TRUE love.
What to look for in Mr. or Mrs. Right? If we seek God as our FIRST love, He will lead us to TRUE love.
2/22/15 Fixing Us Part 3
The closer you are to someone, the more obvious and annoying their faults become. Its natural to think, "If they changed, things would be better," but there is only one person you have the power to change: yourself.
The closer you are to someone, the more obvious and annoying their faults become. Its natural to think, "If they changed, things would be better," but there is only one person you have the power to change: yourself.
Fixing Us Part 4 3/1/15
Want to know two things that could change the dynamic of your marriage and relationships? Check out part 4 of Fixing Us.
Want to know two things that could change the dynamic of your marriage and relationships? Check out part 4 of Fixing Us.